January 2009 Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day – Helen’s Haven

Oh, no!  It’s a puny showing for January 2009, Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day.  To add more value to the winter walk, I added a few more categories:  Yello Yellow, Brilliant Berries, Valuing Variegation, Regarding Reds and Looking Ahead – those plants getting ready to bloom.

Thanks go to Carol/ May Dreams Gardens for starting Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day 2 years ago next month – well done.

If  you are visiting this post and are participating as well, please let me know so I don’t miss seeing yours.


Winter Honeysuckle

Winter Honeysuckle


Hellebores first bloom

Hellebore's first bloom



Tea Olive

Tea Olive

Henry Lauder's Walking Stick

Henry Lauder's Walking Stick


Pinus strobus

Pinus strobus







Golden Euonymus in a pot going up my front steps

Golden Euonymus in a pot going up my front steps

Varigated Holly Osmanthus

Variegated Holly Osmanthus

Varigated Juniper

Variegated Juniper



Variegated Radican Gardenia

Variegated Radican Gardenia




Curly Weeping Willow 'Scarlet Curls'

Curly Weeping Willow 'Scarlet Curls'

Needle Tread Nandina

Needle Tread Nandina


Flowering apricot, Dawn, almost in bloom

Flowering apricot, Dawn, almost in bloom

Daphne - almost

Daphne - almost

Peiris 'Valley Valentine'  Pieris japonica’Valley Valentine’


  1. Good show!

  2. Thanks, but I’m am totally jealous that your Daphne is blooming – what’s up with that?

  3. I hope you put a blanket on your Daphnes. Burr it is cold in this state tonight. Helen, you have a ton of variety in your garden. One of each.

    I like your pot with berries at the top. Where have you been? You haven’t been by my blog in a month of Sundays.

  4. I visit with your blog everyday FGG and love it; I just don’t always stay for tea.

  5. tina said

    Just wonderful! Especially that daphne. So pretty. Can you tell me what kind of berries are mixed in with the pansies?

  6. Yes, Tina, I top dress my containers with fresh, whole cranberries each Thanksgiving to give color to the pots all through the winter. They last and do beautifully ALL winter while adding much needed color.

  7. kk said

    It is amazing how much more colorful and alive a winter garden is , when you select the right plants. All week Ive been watching a humming bird visit my Mahonia bealeii, now in bloom, from my kitchen window. who knew hummingbirds were still in the neighborhood in January.

  8. Kathy said

    You were too kind to call my pitiful Christmas cactus bloom well done, but I am glad you stopped by to visit. Just wait till you see my snowdrops–in March!

  9. Michelle said

    Nice looking textures and colors .
    The buds on the daphne and pieris are beautiful.

    Here’s to the winter garden !

  10. The only view from my window (and I am definitley not going OUT, it is 4 degrees) is of snow covered fields. There is not much color indoors either, so the Inaugural Poppies are looking pretty good, on one of my 2 GBBD posts.

  11. Les said

    Looks like you have a good mix of color and texture, even if the true flowers are few in number now. I wish I had room for some of what you have planted.

    p.s. I writing this about 20 miles south of Chincoteague as the gull flies.

  12. Jen said

    Super potos! I planted some Helebore this fall and was wondering when it would show. Nothing here yet, but at least I know now what to look for! Love that Needle Tread thing too – I don’t think I’ve seen that before.

  13. VP said

    Helen, you fared better with capturing your honeysuckle and rosemary blooms than I did. Like you I’m apprciating winter foliage a lot at the moment!

  14. Lori said

    We seem to have a lot of plants in common, even though I’m in Texas. My tea olive and winter honeysuckle aren’t blooming yet, though. You have a lot of great foliage plants– I especially like the bright red nandina.

  15. kk, what a sweet vision, you looking out the window watching the hummingbird in My Garden.

  16. Kathy, Well done because a light weight wouldn’t have bothered!!! Even with one bloom, you participated.

  17. Les, Chincoteague on business? That’s a tough break. I guess it would be better if it were fall. Or better yet, during the 4th with the pony crossing. Do they still do that?

  18. VP, I love a winter garden and with our zone 7b we have a lot to offer. However, most people don’t take advantage of it. Today I worked with my team maintaining the JC Raulston Arboretum’s winter garden. I’ll do a post on this effort next week. It is so unbelievably beautiful – colors, textures, flowers, berries, plant combinations that will knock you socks off – oh, better not look then, too cold out there.

  19. Your garden does indeed have a lot of bloom to offer, down there in “Elizabeth Lawrence” country. She was sure right, we can have blooms every month of the year.

    Thanks for joining in for bloom day!

  20. Yes, Carol, we are indeed in “Elizabeth Lawrence” country in mind and spirit. Her garden is one of my faves. I chose to do volunteer work with the Garden Conservancy because her garden was under their protection. I wanted to help preserve it.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  21. Gracepete said

    All nice plants but I’m most smitten with the “Radicans Gardenia.” With foliage like this who needs flowers?

  22. nell jean said

    Mama had winter honeysuckle. I recall that incredible fragrance, when nothing else was blooming in north Georgia. I’ve seen it in a few gardens down here.

  23. Well, I think all of that is music to my eyes. I need some outdoor blooms, but all of mine are frozen right now. Happy Bloom Day.~~Dee

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