The Book of Six© Six Things to be Thankful For

On this Thanksgiving day, it’s time to reflect what I am thankful for. Here are six things that readily come to mind:

  1. Clean water
  2. Fresh air
  3. Food for my tummy and my soul
  4. My three kids
  5. A husband who believes in me
  6. And the abundance of people I call friends.

Digging Deeper:

I’m thankful that I don’t take any of the above for granted…

Happy Thanksgiving!

From Helen's Haven: Thai Basil, Castor Bean, Rosemary, Iris

Athetha Soule dinnerware and Tiffany chrysanthemum

Aster and David stretching before the Raleigh Turkey Trot race, Thanksgiving morning


Helen Yoest is a garden writer and coach through her business Gardening with Confidence™

Follow Helen on Twitter @HelenYoest and her facebook  friend’s page, Helen Yoest or Gardening With Confidence™ Face Book Fan Page.

Helen also serves on the board of advisors for the JC Raulston Arboretum


  1. Lynn said

    Helen, This post brought tears to my eyes. Your list is all that matters. Happy Thanksgiving to you. I am so grateful we’ve become friends. Hugs, Lynn

  2. Les said

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I will be enjoying the day not far south of Chincoteague.

  3. Whoops Les, you got Lynn’ response.

    Les, I’m jealous! H.

  4. A beautiful post and a lovely arrangement (love the combination). Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.

  5. Janet said

    Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. Your table decorations are beautiful.

  6. Charmaine said

    I’m thankful my sister-in-law is such a good cook! 🙂

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