Sunday, April 13, 2008

With so much spring in the air, I couldn’t focus on what I needed to do…I was literally driving in circles all week!

Aster asks first, then Lily, “When are we getting our chickens?” I’m not sure who wants them more them or me. What I do know is I have limited space and I’m been spying the spot where they will go, but it belongs to the kids.

My friend Bob Davis, who keeps chickens, teaches about keeping chickens, and has inspired many to want to keep chickens, or “girls” as he likes to say stopped by to see if what I had in mind will work.

Bob came over to see how well the children’s play set will convert into a chicken house and chicken playground. The good news is, it will convert nicely and he actually loved the idea. The bad news is the kids will need to be ready to give up their play set. So, I approached them about doing so. Of course they answered yes, but they are only 7, 8, and 11 and play on it often but saying in almost unison, “Oh yes, we’re done with the play set, we are ready for our girls.” The next day, five of their cousins visited and they all headed to the play set. So I have to put this conversation off of at least a year or more.

No watering was necessary this week with the ground still nice and damp from last week’s rain. A little more rain on Saturday helped.

I planted my Charleston plants, potted up the container garden I’m donating to the JCRA Gala, and agreed to do another container for the Gala from the Raleigh Garden Club…my dear friend Barbara is very persuasive.

Plants in the garden that are just coming up or just getting started include Cross Vine (just starting to flower), Crinums and Amaryllis, more Iris, Echinacea, Butterfly bushes – all nine varieties including Blue Chip which will be available to the public soon. It was a gift to me from Denny Werner, Director the JC Raulston Arboretum.

Plants in the garden that are waxing include Mrs. G.G. Gerbing azalea, Tulips, Bottle Bush, Hydrangeas – Oakleaf, Lady in Red, Lime Light, Endless Summer, Nikko blue all leafing out nicely, double pink Knock Rose, Cl. Rose Stairway to Heaven with first bloom.

Plants in the garden that are peaking include verbena ‘Homestead Purple’, Ajuga ‘Chocolate Chip’, another Ajuga, Iris, columbine, Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’, Lady Banks Rose, Hardy Orchid, Chrysogonum virginianum green and gold ‘Allen Bush’, Spanish Lavender, Dogwood (Sp.?), veronica ‘Georgia’ (still), Candytuft.

Plants in the garden that are waning include Forsythia (Sp.?), Weeping Cherry, contorted crabapple, daffs (waning), Loropetalum (Sp.?), Spirea (Sp.?), Hellebores (seeding), Redbud, Carolina Jessamine, pansies, Vinca, Camellias, Rosemary, Quince (Sp.?)

It is looking like the pollen has subsided. If so, this will have been a very short year for it.

I am looking forward to a full week ahead. A fine friend will be visiting my garden and then we will visit other gardens and shop for plants. In my fantasy world, these types of days last forever, but in reality, they are only stolen moments.

Helen Yoest (Philbrook)


  1. Don said


    In your entry dated 4-13, you mentioned the “double pink Knock Rose.” – I know the names can be a bit confusing when several varieties are named alike, but the correct name for this rose is, ‘Pink Double Knock Out’ rose. Thanks!

  2. Helen said

    Thanks, Don! I am sure I will make that mistake again.

  3. Stenographic says : I absolutely agree with this !

  4. Obbligati said

    Somehow i missed the point. Probably lost in translation 🙂 Anyway … nice blog to visit.

    cheers, Obbligati!!!

  5. I just found your site by accident, I have been enjoying your blogs and love the garden and photos. I am just about to move for the 29th time to my final home, the next time they move me it will be in a box – with lots of lovely flowers! I would love to start this next phase of my life with a weekly diary of our gardening acitvities as we have the ‘bones’ of a great garden to start with.
    Our new home and garden is located in southern coastal Australia, and one of the first things I plan to do is join the local garden club.
    Thanks heaps, Rosie Rose.

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